How John Dewey’s Progressive Education compares with Classical Christian Education.
Future Leaders
What you read matters
The Advent Season
Join us every Monday for the Advent episodes of our podcast.
An Evening of Cultivating Growth
Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Perspective
A Case for Memorization
Why Redeemer …
Looking back on a year with COVID
Leadership for Life
A Tragedy of Our Own Making
Lessons from Lewis
Things we can apply today from C.S. Lewis’ speech, “Learning in War-Time,” which he delivered in the fall of 1939, shortly after WWII began.
Preparing students for an unknown future
One School, One Book Recap #1
A joyful noise
The Benefits of Reading Aloud
2019 Commencement Comments
The Trivium
Fully integrated Christian worldview
Teaching from a fully integrated Christian worldview is one of the distinctives of Redeemer Classical School. Unfortunately, what that means might not be as clear as we often think. With that in mind, I’d like to unpack some (though not all) of what that means for us at Redeemer Classical School. I hope you find it helpful.